Saturday, April 01, 2006

All That Happens In One Day

April 1, 2005

Today has been the strangest day.

So many activities.

So many different people.

So many new ideas spinning in my head.

I woke up to the doorbell ringing. My first thought was, "CRAP...I didn't wake up early enough and everyone from the surprise birthday party is at my doorstep..." (I planned a surprise party for Josh). It turned out to be Andy, because, I had asked to borrow a video camera and he was providing drop off service.'s so nice to have friends that are willing to go the extra couple of miles...all the way to your front door.

I have not planned a surprise party since I was in middle school. I cannot believe that was more than a decade ago. How can I say phrases like that? Time really passes you by. I remember hearing that when I was little...and worrying...and wondering...and I can manage my life so that time won't pass me by. I can pack in everything...and I feel like I'm on the brink of discovering all of this stuff about life...but I'm not quite there. What is the secret?


So it was neat having all of Josh's friends over. I got to know them all a little bit better. Every time I talk to new people...they tell and remind me of so many things that I want to read more about and know more about. Diana suggested reading The Meaning of Wife, which could go on my "to read" list in the Holy Blue Book. She also had a whole host of suggestions for Chinese and Korean flicks...I need to start archiving.

Then, I went to the Asian Student Union Spring Conference Dinner with Eric. That was very interesting...mostly because I did not know that Rich was going to be the key note until recently. I was also very amused to be so in awe of what he was going to say...and now...after the fact...I am thinking of a few of the things he said. I like what he said about how as a first generation Asian American...I have the King's voice...that my voice can be heard because I can express myself in English. Many memories came back when he commented on how we have a responsibility to learn our parent's stories and tell them. How we might have had to speak on behalf of our parents when they couldn't express themselves. And remembering these times bring back some anger. It brought back a lot of "oh I shuda said this...or that..." whenever some white person made racist comments towards us in Eau Claire. But most of the time I was too stunned to know how to react.

I can't help but think how blogging does give you a voice. How people might be interested in what I have to say...but then now I feel so uninteresting...mostly because of another comment I heard last night...which will be told at another time. Focus...

The highlight of the evening was hearing Dat Phan's stand up comedy. Eric has been talking about him at home...but it was cool to hear his jokes in person and be able to laugh so hard. I had not laughed in this manner in such a long time. It feels so good to be able to throw your head back and laugh so hard that you have to stop. And I'm so happy for Dat...because he took a big risk and followed his dreams. Like I was writing somewhere else seems that sometimes it is easier to let practicality rule rather than passion. I wonder what I would be like if I let the latter rule my life. Perhaps I'd have no hair because I would want to dye my hair hot pink all the all my hair would prolly have fallen out by now. I would also want to have really cool tatoos. I would also prolly always have glitter and paint my face so it looks like those Venetian party masks all the time. Or not. There is so much I can do if I let my imagination take over. All that is fun to sit and think about sometimes.

New and Recycled Ideas:

Hip Hop Dancing Lessons
Chinese Dance Lessons
Summer Activities (Soccer, Tennis, Wall Climbing, Paint Ball, other outdoor activities)
Dragon Practice


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